The Edge

A drug can give you super powers at the cost of your life and/or sanity. Think G.I. Joe meets the X-Men

The Theme of Thieves

A mysterious time traveler comes and takes two young teens, who must both overcome their cynicisms as they come of age so that they all can work together to unravel the cause behind the evanescence(disappearing) phenomenon in present day.

League of Cryptids

Sasquatch, The Loch Ness Monster, Mothman, The Jersey Devil, and Chupacabra join together to defend Earth from an alien attack.


Heroineburgh takes place in a science-based universe. A rare handful of people across the planet have already developed superhuman powers due to a process called epigenetics, whereby physiology can be augmented through willpower amplifying genetic expression. Think Batman ‘66 meets 80s nostolgia!